Build Systems, Not Just Set Goals!

Early in my medical career, 53 years ago, I was taught to BUILD SYSTEMS, NOT JUST SET GOALS!

The human body is a biological ecosystem made up mainly of eleven systems that work together to produce and sustain life. When one of these systems becomes dysfunctional, it affects the whole body as a whole and ultimately human performance and well-being.

As doctors we work and live with a fixed mindset that is focused on ‘healing the other’ as opposed to also being aware of the need for our own healing within.

Many in my profession, and I am sure in others too, have succumbed to mental exhaustion and burnout. I have personally experienced that myself and it can be frightening to say the least.

Pride alone insulates us from seeking help because we are, anyway, doctors!

MindFLOW Ergonomics is a designed-engineered ecosystem of seven zones derived from the mnemonic C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E. which can help determine mindful responses to any given stimuli which in turn result in the right choices we make in life for both growth and well-being.

The DOS of this ecosystem is powered by the process of Visioneering (Zone 7) and the principle of Ergonomics (Zone E), the science of work discipline, allows for optimal interaction between these seven zones in order to optimize human performance without mental exhaustion and burnout.

Nothing less.

Join our ‘Life from Seven Zones Community’ and learn how to maximize your vision and thrive for excellence.

Abundant joy,


Whenever you are ready, here are four defining ways I can help you:

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