
Oct 12, 2023 | Creativity

Rethinking creativity to empower Self

Transforming intellectuals into creative geniuses begins with empowering the mind.

• Creativity is the currency of the future.
• Intellectual entrepreneurs need to rethink and redefine.

Rethinking and redefining who we are as a people is becoming more and more confusing in today’s world of distraction from and distortion of the truth.
Authenticity and preservation of our own autonomy and safe space is paramount, both in our personal lives and in the Marketplace, if we are to survive as a humanity in the future.
The ‘Empowerment of Self’ in the present is key to this fundamental challenge of who we are, what are our core values and where are we going as a community, society and nation into the future.

CREATIVITY is the Currency of our Future.
Creativity is the currency that intersects between all faculties of neuroscience in the brain and current knowledge of neurogenesis allows us to live and work in the future by empowering the mind in the present.
RETHINKING Creativity in the face of the coming Age of Digital Transformation will cause us to rethink, revisit and re-strategize our creative thinking process to the betterment of civilization and to the empowerment of Self.

• MindFLOW Ergonomics is a design-engineered energy-efficient ecosystem of 7-C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E-ergonomically interacting Zones of Excellence accelerated by a process of Visioneering resulting in an optimized life of abundance and joy.
ME-E2OP – OPERATING SYSTEM of Mindflow Ergonomics
MindFLOW Ergonomics: Energy + Efficiency = Optimized Performance

The 7 Zones are: C- Creativity, R – Resplendence, E- Emotional Spirituality, A – Awareness, T –
Thalamus Connection, I – Intentionality, V – Visioneering and E – Engineering Ergonomics.