
Oct 15, 2023 | Creativity

Defining Creativity As A Matter of the Heart

Transforming Opportunities into Limitless Possibilities

• Success is not what you achieve but who you become.
• At the heart of life is a created vision.

What happens in our brains when we operate in a creative mode versus an uncreative mode?

How do we register and take note that our conscious brain is in a creative thinking state-of-flow mode that allows us to live our lives to the fullest, both personally and professionally. All the mindful geniuses in life and throughout history were able to wield creativity to reach incredible heights of success by first putting creativity at the heart of all life. At the heart of the matter, Creativity is the bedrock of Innovation. For life to succeed, the transition from possibilities to opportunities must take its rightful birthplace from the heart where the Laws of Manifestation reside and the Laws of Abundance break forth into reality.
Creativity is personal and through the power of visioneering, opportunities are transformed into limitless opportunities that breed success. As the patriarchal saying goes, “Where there is no vision the people perish but he who keeps the law, happy is he.” There lies the root of success. The Laws of Manifestation take its origin from the heart and there lies the bedrock of creativity.
By envisioning a future that is fuelled by creativity allows transformation to take place and the fruits of creativity breed excellence in performance in the marketplace. It is the wellspring of life in abundance.

• MindFLOW Ergonomics is a design-engineered ecosystem of 7- C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E-ergonomically interacting Zones of Excellence accelerated by a process of Visioneering resulting in an optimized life of abundance and joy.

The 7 Zones are: C- Creativity, R – Resplendence, E- Emotional Spirituality, A – Awareness, T –
Thalamus Connection, I – Intentionality, V – Visioneering and E – Engineering Ergonomics.