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The Transformation of Life by Design I Mindflow Ergonomics with Dr Charles Lee

Transformation Coach Eric Ayers in conversation with plastic surgeon and Founder of MindFlow Ergonomics Dr Charles Lee on how to align your life pathways towards a more productive and meaningful life.


The Transformation of Life by Design I Mindflow Ergonomics with Dr Charles Lee

Transformation Coach Eric Ayers in conversation with plastic surgeon and Founder of MindFlow Ergonomics Dr Charles Lee on how to align your life pathways towards a more productive and meaningful life.

Life in 7 Zones I Dr Charles Lee I MindFlow Ergonomics

Plastic Surgeon and MindFlow Ergonomics CEO Dr Charles Lee shares his vision for personal direction applying the ergonomics of 7 Zones of the Mind to maximize mental wealth and the human experience.

Creativity: Building A Creative Culture Together I Paul Fairweather I MindFlow Ergonomics

Paul Fairweather, speaker, artist, writer and co-founder of The Common Creative Podcast in conversation with Dr Charles Lee, plastic surgeon, host of HEARTtalk and CEO of MindFlow Ergonomics on Creativity.

Be The Boss of Your Brain I Dr Selena Bartlett I Neuroplasticity and MindFLOW Ergonomics I HEARTtalk

Neuroscientist Professor Dr Selena Bartlett discusses Neuroplasticity and the Science of Brain Power to face life challenges with Plastic Surgeon and Host of HEARTtalk Dr Charles Lee.

Emotional Intelligence is a Matter of the Heart I Robin Hills I MindFLOW Ergonomics

Emotional Intelligence Expert Robin Hills in conversation with CEO & Founder of MindFLOW Ergonomics, Host of HEARTtalk, Plastic Surgeon Dr Charles Lee on ‘Emotional Intelligence: Myth or The Future’.

Your Strengths Are Your "BRAND" I Sue Wilburn I MindFlow Ergonomics

Career Coach Sue Wilburn talks to Dr Charles Lee, Plastic Surgeon and CEO of MindFLOW Ergonomics on Mid-Life Crisis and the ‘Self-Sabotage of Self-Doubt’.

The Power of Vision I Michael Errin Rios I MindFlow Ergonomics

The MindMANIFEST Plenary Lecture Series was launched on 12th October by Michael Errin Rios, President of APTUS, delivered the Inaugural MindMANIFEST Plenary Lecture on 12th October, 2022 at 8:00AM Chicago time.