Life From Seven Zones

Today I help marketplace individuals find their vision, direction and purpose in life through the power of visioneering.

Visioneering is the science of mental physics artfully working to bring one’s personal vision for life into reality.

It is the process that drives the compelling and motivating reason why we get out of bed each day.

I have worked as a plastic surgeon in Malaysia since 1987.

As a visionary, I founded two Asia-Pacific Consultations on Christian Discipleship (APCOD) in 2001 and Marketplace Mindfulness (APCOMM) in 2022, dedicated to cultivating Mindful Leadership in the marketplace.

In August 2011, I faced a medical crisis which required open heart bypass surgery. Faced with the reality of death, I realised that I had to radically change the fixed mindset of my inner world that was in desperate need for direction, vision and abundant love.

In 2013 I launched my podcast HEARTtalk. One of my first guests was a Clinical Psychologist who was brutally honest in her life’s prescription to me: “Charles, Be kind to yourself!”

The search for the abundant life of godly contentment and joy led to the creation of MindFlow Ergonomics – a design-engineered ecosystem of 7 C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E. ergonomic zones of mindful responses to help make sense of life’s choices.

I fully believe that learning the art of engaging these seven zones of MindFlow Ergonomics will provide a tool to thrive for excellence in life without mental exhaustion and burnout.


Plastic Surgeon and Creator of the 7 C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E Ergonomic Zones of MindFlow Ergonomics

For thirty-eight years, Dr. Charles Lee has worked as a consultant plastic surgeon in Malaysia. In 2001 and 2022, he founded the first Asia-Pacific Consultation in Discipleship (APCOD) and Marketplace Mindfulness (APCOMM) dedicated to cultivating Mindful Leadership in the marketplace – the power of visioneering for abundant living. In August 2011, Charles faced a medical crisis which required open heart surgery. Faced with the prospects of the reality of death, he realised that he had neglected the important areas of health and well-being in the work-life-spirit equation that resulted in burnout, mental exhaustion and total despair.

In 2012, Charles created the podcast HEARTtalk to explore the essential conversations on the neuroscience of well-being and creativity and in the process of discovering the Mindfulness and Manifestation (M&M) formula of Abundance for thriving success, MindFlow Ergonomics was born, a designed ecosystem to live more joyfully and wholeheartedly. In 2015, he was challenged in his spirit the task of having to earn 1.2 million Malaysian Ringgit to enable his daughter to complete 5 years of a University degree in the Republic of Ireland. Following her graduation in 2020, Charles conceptualized the 7 C.R.E.A.T.I.V. Ergonomic Zones of a MindFul Genius to help individuals maximise their vision of life and transform their creative skills for success. MindFlow as opposed to a fixed mindset was key to engineering this vision of building a Millionaire MasterMind Community with the tagline ‘I have a Millionaire Mind’.

About The 7 C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E. Zones of Mindflow Ergonomics

The seven Zones of MindFlow Ergonomics is a transformative model of human experience, maximizing the power of visioneering and the ergonomics of the mind to live in abundance and joy. This ecosystem of 7 flow states-of-the-mind is design-engineered through the process of ergonomics to enable a response that is mindful and reflects the core values of confidence to solve problems on a constant basis.

MindFlow Ergonomics identifies seven C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E. zones of ergonomics of the mind that helps individuals to conserve mental energy and provide solutions consistently that helps prevent mental exhaustion and frustration. This model promotes self-awareness and constant creativity that allows for the courage to fail in every area of life and work and yet keeps the hope real to thrive for excellence and look forward to live joyfully with godly contentment.

The 7 C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E. Ergonomic
Zones of MindFlow Ergonomics





Emotional Spirituality




















Emotional Spirituality









The Ergonomics of Life

The natural laws of abundance engineered to optimize the human experience of well-being and success in every area of life.

Select an Ergonomic Zone and learn more